Drop Off/Sign In
After giving your child to the nursery caregiver, please fill all the requested information in the information notebook at the nursery station.
No one will be allowed to pick up your child without the correct number on the pager.
Once you’ve returned the pager and been given your child and their belongings, please initial the sign-in sheet. We appreciate your prompt pick up immediately following the service.
Please be aware that we discourage visitation of your child’s family or your close friends during your child’s time in the nursery. It can be very upsetting to your child for someone they are familiar with to peek in on him or her and then leave again.
Cry Policy
Unless otherwise instructed by a parent, if a child cries continually for more than 10 minutes, you will be notified.
Sickness Policy
Please keep your child home with any of the following symptoms or illnesses:
If your child is recovering from a sickness, they should be symptom-free for at least 24 hours before returning to the nursery.
If your child has some of the above symptoms due to allergies, please let us know.