What is a Church? Basically, it is a community of followers of Jesus Christ who band together to worship and serve the Lord. Jesus loved us and died for us and left us in this world to do two things:  love God and love people.


James River Baptist Church has been loving God and loving people since 1903!  Our rich legacy of love is one of our great strengths. There have been several generations of Christ followers who have come before us that lived out their faith, many times sacrificially. We treasure these roots and are inspired by their stories.


Over the last 120 years, JRBC has seen many things change. Our church building use to be in the country. Cars going down Centerville road were few and far between. Many of the church members were related to each other and had grown up together. James River was basically a small country Baptist Church.


As the years have gone by, James City County has changed and our church has grown.  We have built several buildings, including a Pavilion and ball court. We now have two worship services that are very different in style. Our 9 am service has a modern flavor with contemporary music and a high energy praise band.  Our 11 am service emphasizes traditional worship with hymns, piano, organ and a choir. Both services are alive and vibrant and equally important. We want you to find your perfect fit and join us in praise and worship of the Living God.


Today James River is made up of many different kinds of people, from different parts of the world, in different stages of life. We celebrate our diversity. It makes us healthier and stronger as a church community.


It is out of a rich heritage and strong conviction that James River seeks to live out the Gospel in the 21st Century. Our dream is that as we work for God's Kingdom, our community of faith will grow even more alive and vital for the next generation, Our mission remains to connect people with God, help them to grow in their faith, so they can go out and share the gospel through words and acts of kindness.